Senior Qi Gong
Come experience a class of easy movements, leave with feeling more peaceful, awake, and at ease in your body.
A message from the instructor, MaryAnn DeSapio:
"Welcome to the wonderful world of Qi Gong! Qi is the universal energy that gives us, and every being, life. It is the life force within and around us. It is a vibration and frequency.
Gong is working with the energy. It is moving it through us by gentle movements, gentle breathing, and by our intentions. Working with this energy a few minutes each day can have a huge impact on your life. Ideally, it takes 30 minutes to move the energy through every cell. The time goes quickly when we do it, as there are many different ways we move the energy.
Energy flow creates wellness in our minds, our bodies, and our spirits. Energy presents itself in our physical body, in our emotions, and in our feeling of connectedness to the universe. It is in the weather and seasonal changes, and in the colors all around us, whether the colors are in food, or we are wearing them or viewing them. You are also impacted by the energy of everything and everyone around you.
When energy flows, there are no blockages. What is a blockage? It is like a crimp in a garden hose. When bent, the water backs up from it, or has little or no flow after it. That is what happens to our energy in our body. If there is a blockage, there can be discomfort, pain, inflammation, fever, cysts, tumors. Or it can be weakness, tiredness, fatigue, brain fog, paralysis.
By moving the energy gently through certain movements, the symptoms of the blockages can release and restore our minds, bodies, and spirits to balance.
I have experienced by own healing and balancing through Spring Forest Qi Gong after having health issues. Six years of pain, difficulty walking, and 6 doctors, plus knee surgery didn’t correct it. But the healing by Master Chunyi Lin at his classes did…in 3 days. I knew immediately I needed to know more. In my healing journey, I have trained many years with these techniques of medical qi gong as a healer. Master Lin’s wish: “You are born a healer. A healer in every home. A world without pain and suffering.”
Now I practice it daily, doing these gentle exercises, as well as invite you to learn and practice it with me. It creates an ease in the body, in the mind in how we perceive things from a calmer perspective, and how we connect to all the energy in the universe. Energy travels in lines, or rivers of energy called meridians, You will learn how they flow, and feel the difference when they are activated.
Energy also travels through pools of energy in our bodies, called chakras. Although technically not part of qi gong, we will also feel how they make a difference when aligned and opened.
I have trained in many modalities plus have received my own guidance as I do this work. There are other ways energy flows around our bodies to complete circuits. We will also feel these flows. Qi gong has so many benefits, from a peaceful mind, lessening brain fog, ease of movement, better balance, and lessening of pain or discomfort, and feeling more in control of what we need to do and desire, and boundaries for self-care.
Come experience a class of easy movements, leave with feeling more peaceful, awake, and at ease in your body.
At the present time, I have a class for Senior Qi Gong on Mondays from 1 – 1:45 pm each week. Book here!
If you are interested in a different class for experiencing it, please let me know. I am honored to give qi gong classes to destress and balance for:
Young Children/Teens
General age qi gong group
Care givers
Veterans experiencing PTSD/injuries
Couples qi gong
Below are some sites you might like to view to get an even broader picture of how qi gong works, and picture yourself doing it.
Thank you for reading this with interest. I look forward to answering any questions you may have."
With gratitude,
MaryAnn DeSapio
Angel Essence Qi Gong, LLC.
Practitioner, teacher, healer
A sample of Master Lin’s 2 months of daily free videos he did for healing COVID.
Spring Forest Qi Gong website:
My testimonial for SFQG:
Medical professionals’ comments:
Master Lin’s book, “Head-to-Toe Healing,” has exercises for different ailments, as well as a section for children.
MaryAnn DeSapio
Founder of Angel Essence Qi Gong, LLC. Energy work practitioner of Spring Forest Qi Gong, reiki master teacher, utilizes angel therapy, gemstone therapy, Donna Eden energy medicine, IET, Brain Gym and Adult Brain Gym, EFT, brain based learning with specific training in brain neuroplasticity, certified educator and presenter. Member of Qi Gong Institute.